Fast food outgrowing other restaurants in US also

As yesterday’s post noted, fast food was the only part of the Swedish restaurant sector, which able to sustain the pandemic in relatively good manner. In US, the fast food sector seems to have managed even better, especially pizza.

When looking into the four big fast food or fast casual restaurant giants, one can say that Dominos and Chipotle thrived during the pandemic. As the restaurant sector as a whole plummeted in 2020 in the US, Chipotle and especially Dominos grew rapidly. Interestingly, McDonalds was not able to sustain the pandemic induced lockdowns as well. Their revenues decreased by-10%, when the market decreased by -7,79%. Starbucks with their reliance on the commuters and working in the cafes, was naturally worst hit by the pandemic.

As mentioned yesterday, fast food is well suited for pick up and even delivery. Especially pizza, which has always been delivered to customers homes. After all, the first e-commerce order in history was for pizza (Pizza Hut). Dominos was founded in 1960 first and foremost delivery in mind.

Big growth, and some difficulties

The fast food/casual giants have each grown rapidly over the years. However, each of them had their share of difficulties. Dominos has probably been the most outstanding growth story of them all during the last 10 years. Since 2009, they have had only two quarters of decreasing sales, even throughout the pandemic. Similarly Starbucks has grown steadily from their crisis during the financial crash of 2008.


Strong Christmas for Tesco & the discounters


Fast food: only “bright” spot in the Swedish restaurant sector