Online offers a bigger assortment of pharmacies

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The Swedish pharmacy category has seen a lot of changes over the recent years. The rise of the online channel has enabled many new kinds of challengers. Online also allows the selling of a significantly bigger assortment.

Despite Apoteket being the biggest pharmacy chain in revenue and Apotek Hjärtat a close second, they both have far smaller assortment than the online pure player Apotea. Apotea has almost double the amount of products sold on its website. On the other hand, the biggest chain, Apoteket, offers only significantly fewer than 10 000 products.

Apotea with a lot of non-pharmacy products

Apotea does offer more products than Apoteket and, in many instances, than Hjärtat, but Apotea is skewed significantly to non-pharmacy products. The biggest category for Apotea is Food and Drink, with 11,7% of all products.

The more than 3 300 Food and drink products sold at Apotea are more than a third of the entire assortment at Apoteket. Apotek Hjärtat does also sell Food products, but only with 677 products. Apoteket, on the other hand, does not have a specific category for Food & drinks. It sells only 145 products in the Snacks and Goodies category (Mellanmål och gott).

Also, Animal products (Djur) and Other products take a significant share of Apotea selection.


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