Discount retailers in Sweden - smaller & less profitable than in Finland

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As the Finnish discount retailer Motonet introduced that they are launching in Sweden, it became interesting to see what they are up against with. The first interesting notion is that the leading Finnish discount retail chain Tokmanni is the biggest of them all. Rusta in Sweden has a revenue of around 750 M€. That makes Tokmanni more than 40 % bigger.

However, after Tokmanni, the Finnish players are smaller than the Swedish counterparts. ÖoB is the fourth biggest player in Sweden with a revenue of about 415 M€. That is roughly 7 % more than the revenue of Motonet. One has to remember that Sweden as a retail market is almost double the size of Finland. With that in mind, one has to say that Finnish discount retailers are rather competitive against the Swedish counterparts.

Another probably even more interesting finding is the fact that Finnish discount retailers are also significantly more profitable than the Swedish ones. Especially Motonet and Puuilo are on their own levels even compared to Biltema, which is the most profitable of the big Swedish discounters.

If you want to read more about the Finnish discount retail market, here is a longer post I wrote some time ago (in Finnish).


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