Inditex - the golden standard in retail operational excellence?

The Spanish fashion giant Inditex reported another strong quarter with +14% revenue growth. The most impressive part of the growth was Zara (73,4% share of total revenue) reporting a +13,1% growth.

This improved growth of Inditex illustrates the differences between Inditex and its main rival, H&M, which has had more varied success and saw revenue growth slowdown.

Over the last years, Inditex has been able to grow faster than H&M. In Q4/2020, Inditex was only 13,5% bigger than H&M (in euros). This gap has widened to 40+% in 2022 and higher lately. This is partly due to the weak Swedish Krone that H&M operates in.

Is Inditex the best-performing retailer? Whether there are better companies out there, Inditex seems to be succeeding in the holy trinity of retail performance:

  • growing revenues

  • improving margins

  • higher market share (not precise data available)

The operational excellence of Inditex

Inditex’s operational excellence is highlighted by improving gross margins, strong cost control, and inventory management.

  • Gross margins improved by 0,3%-points from a year ago

  • Operational costs grew slower than revenue, and their share of revenue dropped from 29,9% to 29,4%.

  • Inventory levels declined by -6,9%, leading to improved inventory position. Inventory share was 10% of the Last Twelve Months (LTM) revenue (compared to 15% a year ago). Inditex now has a 50% faster inventory turnover compared to H&M.

This all led to

  • +40% growth in net income to 2,5 billion € in H1

  • +57% higher Cash from operations in H1

A lot of room to grow

The company reported that the US is the second biggest market, with 19,4% revenue. Europe (excl Spain) is still the biggest market with 47,8 % (with Spain 62,2%).

The big share of Europe illustrates how much room Inditex has to grow in both the US and Asia (18,4% of Inditex revenue).


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