Aldi surpassed 10% market share in the UK

The German discounters Aldi and Lidl have continued their breathtaking growth in the UK during April. Before 2022 both companies averaged a 0,5-0,8 %-point annual increase in their market shares. Since March 2022, Aldi has grown at a minimum of 0,8%-point increase per month. For the last eight months, Aldi has increased its market share by 1,2%-point or more.
This growth has led Aldi to break the 10% market share barrier that only four grocers had previously been able to break.
The combined market share of Aldi and Lidl increased by 2,3 %-points in April compared to the previous year. On an annual basis, a big change in market shares would translate into billions of pounds changing hands. According to IGD, the UK grocery market was £216,8 billion in 2022.
The combined market share of the (former) Big 4 grocers (Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda, Morrison’s) declined by 1,3 %-points. Aldi and Lidl were the only grocers to increase market share.