Online grocery in Sweden back to growth after 19 month decline

Online grocery channels returned to growth after a 19-month streak of declining revenues after the pandemic highs. Click & Collect operations declined, but home delivery grew by 5,7%. As a result of the growth, online represented 4,2% of all groceries sold in Sweden.
The growth of home delivery ought to benefit Mathem and ICA, which both rely heavily on the home delivery.
Considering that online sales tend to decline towards summer, 4,2% is almost as much as a year ago (4,5%). Home delivery’s share is nearly the same as a year ago, with only a 0,1%-point decline. Home delivery represents 57% of all online grocery sales, up from 48% two years ago.
The inflation growth has declined in Sweden for three months now. Interestingly, grocery stores (offline) saw revenues grow to 10,2% (from 7,2%).